郑宁超,男,汉族,工学博士,校聘教授,硕士生导师;主要致力于环境功能材料在放射性核素中的应用研究,近年来以第一作者/共一作者在Environmental Science & Technology, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials 等环境及化工领域国际主流高水平期刊上发表SCI论文12篇;其中中科院一区论文8篇,IF>10论文8篇,1篇入选1% ESI Highly-Cited论文,2篇封面论文;单篇最高被引150余次,累计被引500余次,H-index 10,累计一作/共一 IF≥180,授权国家发明专利9项。
[1] Ningchao Zheng, Lejing Li, Xinhui Tang, Weiqiao Xie, Qing Zhu, Xiaoli Wang, Yekai Lian, Jimmy C. Yu and Zhuofeng Hu*, Spontaneous Formation of Low Valence Copper on Red Phosphorus to Effectively Activate Molecular Oxygen for Advanced Oxidation Process, Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57: 5024-5033. (封面论文)
[2] Ningchao Zheng, Xi He, Ruiting Hu, Ruilin Wang, Quan Zhou, Yekai Lian, Zhuofeng Hu*, In-situ production of singlet oxygen by dioxygen activation on iron phosphide for advanced oxidation processes, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 307: 121157.
[3] Ningchao Zheng#, Xi He#, Quan Zhou, Ruilin Wang, Xinran Zhang, Ruiting Hu, Zhuofeng Hu*, Generation of reactive chlorine species via molecular oxygen activation on a copper chloride loaded hydrothermal carbonaceous carbon for advanced oxidation process, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 319: 121918. (#: co-first author)
[4] Ningchao Zheng, Xi He, Ruiting Hu, Weiqing Guo, Zhuofeng Hu*, Co-activation of persulfate by cation and anion from FeP for advanced oxidation processes, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 298: 120505.
[5] Ningchao Zheng, Yekai Lian, Quan Zhou, Ruilin Wang, Xi He, Ruiting Hu, Zhuofeng Hu*, An effective Fenton reaction by using waste ferric iron and red phosphorus, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 437: 135265.
[6] Ningchao Zheng#, Lanyan Yin#, Minhua Su#, Zequan Liu, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Diyun Chen*, Synthesis of shape and structure-dependent hydroxyapatite nanostructures as a superior adsorbent for removal of U(VI), Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 384: 123262. (#: co-first author)
[7] Ningchao Zheng, Xinhui Tang, Yekai Lian, Zheshun Ou, Quan Zhou, Ruilin Wang, Zhuofeng Hu*, Low-valent copper on Mo triggers molecular oxygen activation to selectively generate singlet oxygen for advanced oxidation processes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 452: 131210.
[8] Ning-Chao Zheng, Zhu Wang, Jian-You Long, Ling-Jun Kong, Di-Yun Chen*, Zhao-Qing Liu*, Shape-dependent adsorption of CeO2 nanostructures for superior organic dye removal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 525: 225-233.
[9] Ningchao Zheng, Xi He, Weiqing Guo, Zhuofeng Hu*, Enhancement of mass transfer efficiency and photoelectrochemical activity for TiO2 nanorod arrays by decorating Ni3+-states functional NiO water oxidation cocatalyst, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2021, 32: 1993-1997.
[10] Ningchao Zheng, Quan Zhou, Ruilin Wang, Yekai Lian, Xi He, Ruiting Hu, Zhuofeng Hu*, Rust triggers rapid reduction of Cr6+ by red phosphorus: The importance of electronic transfer medium of Fe3+, Chemosphere, 2022, 303: 134971.
[11] Ning-Chao Zheng, Ting Ouyang, Yibo Chen, Zhu Wang, Di-Yun Chen, Zhao-Qing Liu*, Ultrathin CdS shell-sensitized hollow S-doped CeO2 spheres for efficient visible-light photocatalysis, Catalysis Science &Technology, 2019, 9: 1357-1364.(封面+ESI高被引论文)
[12] Zhenzhen He#, Ningchao Zheng#, Lin Zhang, Yuehui Tian, Zhuofeng Hu*, Longfei Shu*, Efficient inactivation of intracellular bacteria in dormant amoeba spores by FeP, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425: 127996. (#: co-first author)
[13] Xi He, Ningchao Zheng, Ruiting Hu, Zhuofeng Hu*, and Jimmy C. Yu*, Hydrothermal and Pyrolytic Conversion of Biomasses into Catalysts for Advanced Oxidation Treatments, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 2006505.
[14] Yu Peng, Xi He, Ningchao Zheng, Ruiting Hu, Weiqing Guo, Zhuofeng Hu*, Transferring waste of biomass and heavy metal into photocatalysts for hydrogen peroxide activation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 420: 129867.
[15] Yinglong Lu, Minghao Liu, Ningchao Zheng, Xi He, Ruiting Hu, Ruilin Wang, Quan Zhou, and Zhuofeng Hu*, Promoting the protonation step on the interface of titanium dioxide for selective photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CH4 by using red phosphorus quantum dots, Nano Research, ISSN 1998-0124.
[1] 胡卓锋,郑宁超,何茜,彭妤, 一种利用过硫酸盐活化去除布洛芬的方法,中国,专利号:ZL202010492665.4,授权日:2021.04.20。(导师一作)
[2] 胡卓锋,郑宁超,何茜,胡睿婷,一种利用无定形红磷促进三价铁/过氧化氢体系降解环境污染物的方法,中国,专利号:ZL202110647997.X,授权日:2022.07.26。(导师一作)
[3] 胡卓锋,郑宁超,胡睿婷,何茜,一种利用红磷来实现三价铁/过硫酸盐体系高效降解环境污染物的方法,中国,专利号:ZL202110654352.9,授权日:2022.07.26。(导师一作)
[4] 胡卓锋,郑宁超,何茜,胡睿婷,一种水热碳/铜光催化剂的制备方法及其在降解布洛芬药物中的应用,中国,专利号:ZL202010880987.6,授权日:2022.09.09。(导师一作)
[5] 胡卓锋,郑宁超,周泉,汪睿林,一种利用单原子铜耦合红磷活化分子氧降解布洛芬的方法,中国,专利号:ZL202210412344.8,授权日:2023.6.30。(导师一作)
[6] 胡卓锋,何茜,郑宁超,一种二维水热碳纳米片材料的制备方法及其应用,中国,专利号:ZL202010879855.1,授权日:2022.05.10。(导师一作)
[7] 胡卓锋,何茜,郑宁超,胡睿婷,一种无牺牲剂的光催化产双氧水方法,中国,专利号:ZL202110757870.3,授权日:2023.03.17。(导师一作)
[8] 胡卓锋,何茜,彭妤,郑宁超,一种利用超富集植物制备二氧化碳还原光催化剂的方法,中国,专利号:ZL202010055787.7,授权日:2021.06.08。(导师一作)
[9] 胡卓锋,彭妤,何茜,郑宁超,一种利用糖类和金属离子制备二氧化碳还原光催化剂的方法,中国,专利号:ZL202010055779.2,授权日:2021.06.08。(导师一作)
1. 2023年,中山大学汪淑钧奖学金、优秀毕业生、优秀毕业论文
2. 2022年,博士研究生国家奖学金
3. 2020年,中山大学环境科学与工程学院优秀共产党员
4. 2019年,优秀毕业研究生
5. 2018年,硕士研究生国家奖学金
6. 2015年,国家励志奖学金
1. 有一定英语阅读水平,能够独立阅读英文资料等。
2. 具有一定科研实验能力,掌握基本实验方法。
3. 基础知识牢固,具备一定的专业知识。
4. 性格开朗,态度认真,积极向上,踏实肯干。
5. 具有一定的创新能力。