1. Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman, Ibrahim E. ElAassy, Fadia Y. Ahmed, Mohammed F. Hamza, Studies on the Uptake of Rare Earth Elements onPolyacrylamidoxime Resins from Natural Concentrate leachate solutions. Journal ofdispersion science and technology 31 (2010) 1128– 1135.
2. Ayman M. Atta, Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman,Ibrahim E. El Aassy, Fadia Y. Ahmed, Mohammed F. Hamza. Adsorption of Uranium (VI) Ionson Reactive Crosslinked Acrylamidoxime and Acrylic acid Copolymer Resins. Journal ofdispersion science and technology, 32 (2011) 84-94.
3. Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman, Ayman M. Atta,Ibrahim E. El Aassy, Fadia Y. Ahmed, Mohammed F. Hamza. Studies on the Uptake of Uranium(VI) ions on polyacrylamidoxime resins synthesized by free radical polymerizationwith different crosslinking ratios and poresolvents. Journal of dispersion science andtechnology, 32 (2011) 224–234.
4. Mohammed F. Hamza, Ibrahim E. El Aassy,Fadia Y. Ahmed, Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman, Ayman M. Atta. Studies on separation of Uraniumand Rare Earth Elements with high purity from Low Grade Gibbsite-Bearing Shale Ore bydifferent chelating Resins. Journal of dispersion science and technology, 33 (2012) 482–489.
5. Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman, Ayman M. Atta,Mohammed F. Hamza, Ibrahim E. El Aassy, Fadia Y. Ahmed. Effect of Crosslinker ChemicalStructure and Monomer Compositions on Adsorption of Uranium (VI) Ions Based On ReactiveCrosslinked Acrylamidoxime Acrylic Acid Resins. Journal of dispersion science andtechnology, 33 (2012) 490–496.
6. Mohammed F. Hamza, Adel A.-HAbdel-Rahman, Mohamed G. Mahfouz. Adsorption of uranium (VI) ions on hydrazinyl amine and1,3,4-thiadiazol- 2(3H)-thion chelating resins. Journal of dispersion science andtechnology, 33 (2012) 1544-1551.
7. Mohsen M. Aly and Mohammed F. Hamza. AReview: Studies on uranium removal using different techniques. Overview. Journal ofdispersion science and technology, 34 (2013) 182-213.
8. Mohammed F. Hamza, Ibrahim E. El Aassy.Solid phase extraction of uranium removal from underground water, Wadi Naseib,southwestern Sinai, Egypt, Desalination and Water Treatment, 1- 3 (2014) 331-338.
9. Mohammed F. Hamza. Removal of Uranium (VI) from liquid waste ofCalcareous shale, Allouga Southwestern Sinai-Egypt. Desalination and Water Treatment.54 (2015) 2530–2540.
10. Mohammed F. Hamza, Adel A.-H Abdel-Rahman. Extraction Studies ofSome Hazardous Metal ions Using Magnetic Peptide Resins. Journal of dispersionscience and technology, 36 (2015) 411–422.
11. Mohammed F Hamza, Mohsen M Aly, Adel A-H Abdel-Rahman, SamarRamadan, Heba Raslan, Shengye Wang, Thierry Vincent, and Eric Guibal, Functionalizationof Magnetic Chitosan Particles for the Sorption of U (Vi), Cu (Ii) and Zn (Ii)—Hydrazide Derivative of Glycine-Grafted Chitosan, Materials, 10 (2017), 539.
12. Shengye Wang, Mohammed F Hamza, Thierry Vincent, Catherine Faur,and Eric Guibal, Praseodymium Sorption on Laminaria Digitata Algal Beads and Foams,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2017).
1. Mohammed F. Hamza Uranium Recovery from the Highly Chloridesolution produced from direct acid leaching of calcareous shale, Allouga Ore materials,Southwestern Sinai, Egypt
2. Mohammed F. Hamza, Ibrahim E. El-Aassy, Fadia Y. Ahmed, EricGuibal, Integrated treatment of reprocessed gibbsite bearing shale from Abu Mogherate area (SWSinai, Egypt) for the
selective recovery of U(VI), REE(III)s and major heavy metals.
3. Mohammed F. Hamza, Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman and Eric Guibal,Magnetic Glutaminegrafted Polymer for the Sorption of U(VI), Nd(III) and Dy(III)
4. Mohammed F. HAMZA, Ibrahim E. EL-AASSY, Fadia Y. AHMED, AmrFOUDA, Eric GUIBAL, Hydrazide functionalization of glycine-grafted magnetic chitosanmicro-particles for the purification of groundwater in a polymetallic mining area (SW Sinai,Egypt)
5. Mohammed F. HAMZA, Jean-Claude ROUX, Eric GUIBAL, Uranium andeuropium sorption on amidoxime-functionalized magnetic chitosan micro-particles
6. Mohammed F. Hamza, Jean-Claude Roux, Eric Guibal, Metalvalorization from the waste produced in the manufacturing of Co/Mocatalysts: leaching and selective precipitation
1. Recovery of uranium from shale in the main Heap.Report 2, 2nd stage Feb. 1st – April 30,2008
2. Ore processing and uranium recovery from south SinaiMilling Unite Report 3, 2nd stage.May 1st - July 31, 2008
3. Ore processing and uranium recovery from south SinaiMilling Unite Report 4, 2nd stage.Aug. 1st, 2008 - June 15, 2009
4. Report on South Sinai Yellow Cake Production Unit. ConfidentialReport to Nuclear MaterialsAuthority. October 2010.
5. Report on South Sinai Yellow Cake Production Unit. ConfidentialReport to Nuclear MaterialsAuthority. October 2013.
6.Mohammed F. Hamza. Report on methodology forremoving of poisoning materials fromquaternary amine (D263B) resin used for uranium recovery in Allougalocality. Confidential
Reports to Nuclear Materials Authority 2013.
7. Annual report about uranium recovery from reprocessed orematerials and the possibilitiesof increasing the yellow cake production in Sinai project. October 2014.
8. Mohammed F. Hamza. A Report of Uranium Recovery fromthe Highly Chloride-bearingWash Water of Allouga Ore Pilot Heap,Southwestern Sinai, Egypt. January 2015.
9. Confidential Annual Report about South Sinai Yellow CakeProduction by vat and agitationleaching processes. 2015.
10. Annual scientific Confidential report about Yellow CakeProduction from Allouga Ore PilotHeap.2016.
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